Welcome to


WU was created to provide a protected and safe platform for women to start their personal journey toward total fulfillment by participating in conversations with other women ANONYMOUSLY.

WHO IS WomanUninterrupted (WU)?

Hello, you, yes You, seriously YOU!

My name is not important.  I am a WomanUninterrupted (WU), and I need YOU! I need your heart and true feelings, WHY?

Well; if you are a woman, busy with living, unsuccessful in addressing your TO-DO LISTS, adjusting to the pains, gains, fears, tears, successes, failures, or just trying to make it to the next hour in the day, this is for YOU!

We are going on a journey together, with thousands of other women just like you, seeking to find Total fulfillment in their lives.

Our Stories

A woman who needs other women is the greatest woman of all:

As the Host of WU, my goal was to create a safe space in time for women like you and me to conversate and explore issue such as love, hurt, pain, rejection, and grief, expose secrets that literally bury us from our loved ones, a space to tell our story.

By covering these and other topics, we as women will be able to take our first step on this journey called healing.

Patricia Cheadle
Creator/Founder of WomanUninterrupted

Our number one goal is to make women feel HEARD with no FEAR or JUDGMENT!

We offer a space with absolutely no judgment, only support and encouragement! Are you after inspiring blogs for women? Do you want to have an exclusive venue to share your femininity with other like-minded women? Great! Woman Uninterrupted is here for you!


I invite you to go on a journey with me and thousands of other women just like YOU, seeking to find TOTAL fulfillment in their lives.